Full Health:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Left, Right, Left, Right, Right Trigger, Left Trigger, B, Y, Down.
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Up, Down, Right, Down, Right Trigger, Black, Down, Y, Left Trigger.
Enable Tube:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Up, Down, Left, Right, Black, White, Y, Down, B.
Switch to Equivalent Toon Version:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Up, Down, Up, Down, Right Trigger, Black, Down, B, Y.
Give All Ups:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Left, Left, Up, Up, Left Trigger, Black, B, Down, Y.
Give All Slams:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Right, Down, Up, Down, Down, Right Trigger, Y, B, Down.
Infinite Reaver Charge:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Down, Down, Up, Left, Right Trigger, Black, Down, Y, B.
All Dark Chronicles:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Right Trigger, Down, Black, Left Trigger, Right, Black, Y, Down, Left Trigger.
All Bonuses:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Black, Down, White, Right Trigger, Left,White, Down, Left Trigger, Y.
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Left Trigger, Down, Left Trigger, Up, Right Trigger, White, Left Trigger, Down, Y.
No Textures:
Pause the game and enter the following codes:
Left Trigger, Down, Black, Right, Black, Up, Y, Left Trigger, Down.