In ARMY MEN: Air Attack, the evil Tan army is making a move into Green territory. Only one man has the ability to stop their advance: Captain William Blade. Take command of Blade and his ragtag crew of chopper pilots as they fly one of four choppersHuey, Chinook, Super Stallion, or Apachethrough 16 missions of plastic carnage. Help them maneuver through perilous settings like the Backyard and the Picnic. When you get tired of seeing your buddies melted on the barbecue, call a friend to help you in the Cooperative Play mode. If sharing is not your thing, knock your friends chopper out of the sky in a head-to-head match up. Either way, with ARMY MEN: Air Attack, its real combat with plastic men. |
Today's GU Rank: 213 of 40991
![]() Genre: Action / Action
ESRB: (T) Teen
Story | 7.5 | Overall Rating |
Graphics | 7.0 | 7.5 |
Music/Sound | 7.3 | |
Gameplay | 7.5 | |
Ratings Count | 4 | Rate Game |