The story of Rygar begins with the Island of Argus being plagued by evil Titans. Armageddon has spread over the land, creating chaos as volcanoes, earthquakes, and monsters ravage the countryside. In mankind's darkest hour, a hero rises from the ashes to defeat the Titans, rescue the princess and restore order to the land. Become Rygar and your legendary adventure will begin. Lead him through several different worlds, each including new enemies and larger-then-life bosses. It will not be an easy journey for Rygar who will go up against over 70 enemies during his epic adventure. |
Story | 7.9 | Overall Rating |
Graphics | 8.3 | 7.4 |
Music/Sound | 7.4 | |
Gameplay | 7.2 | |
Ratings Count | 9 | Rate Game |