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Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
Release Date: February 18, 2002
Publisher: EA Games
Developer: Westwood Studios
Genre: Action
ESRB: (T) Teen
Platform: XB  PS2 
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Visitor Score
Story: 8.4
Graphics: 8.4
Sound: 8.4
GamePlay: 8.4
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat Screenshots
View All 6 Screens
Game Box
Game Cheats Cheat/Hint Count: 10
Visitor Game Reviews Visitor Reviews: 3
Press Releases Press Releases: 1
Game Main Game Cheats Game Reviews Game Press Screenshots
Katarina's new sword:
While playing hold R1 + R2 and then press R3, Select, L2, L3, Square, X, L1, Circle, L3, Triangle.
All Treasure Chest Keys:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and press Circle, Select, X, Square, R3, L1, L3, L2, Triangle, L3.
More Gold:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press Triangle, R3, L3, X, Square, R3, Select, L1, Circle.
High-Pitched Voices:
While playing hold R1 + R2 and then press R3, Circle, Select, X, R3, Triangle, L1, Square, L2, L3.
Invincibility for Katarina:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press X, Circle, L3, Triangle, R3, Select, R3, L1, L2, Square.
Invincibility for the Wind Dancer:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press Select, Triangle, L1, X, R3, L2, Square, R3, Circle, L3.
Reveal all Treasure Chests:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press R3, X, Triangle, L3, Circle, L1, Select, L3, Square, L2.
Reveal buried Treasure Locations:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press Circle, X, Square, Triangle, L1, Select, L3, L2, L3, R3.
Unlimited Items:
While playing hold down R1 + R2 and then press Triangle, L1, Select, L2, R3, L3, Square, X, R3, Circle.
Unlimited Wind Boost:
While playing hold R1 + R2 and then press Select, L1, R3, Circle, L2, Triangle, X, L3.
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