The future of Zeen hangs precariously in the balance, the fate of the land resting solely on Orcs and the broken backs of their enslaved creatures. For over 1000 years, Dragons, Sprites and other magical races have been captured by the Orcs to either be put to work or put to death. The Orcs seek the most precious resource in the land, Zeenium, a magic element that gives Dragons the powers of fire and magic. It can only be harvested in two ways: Dragon Eggs, or worse yet, the slaughter of a Dragon itself. One such Dragon was condemned to Desmurian Ty, a slaughterhouse dedicated to the processing of Zeenium. Chained and hopeless, Cael Cyndar faced his imminent demise. But at the last moment, in a sudden flash of power and fire, Cael was able to break his chains! Within mere moments, he laid
Dragon Rage for the PlayStation 2 - Dragon Rage (PlayStation 2 Game)