X²: The Threat offers players a rich storyline and a boundless game play universe. In X2, the player takes on the role of a pilot indigenous to the X-Universe. The story unfolds as the soon-to-be hero and his companion attempt to steal a ship. After a failed, action-packed escape, he soon finds himself aboard a security ship and destined to live out his days on the cold, prison-mining world of Artur. With a dynamic universe and a plot expertly weaved together the story of The Threat is sure to intrigue players of various genres. |
Today's GU Rank: 37 of 40991
US Release: December 3, 2003
ESRB: (T) Teen
Story | 7.1 | Overall Rating |
Graphics | 9.5 | 8.4 |
Music/Sound | 8.4 | |
Gameplay | 8.0 | |
Ratings Count | 8 | Rate Game |