Join small-town sleuth Nancy Drew and companion Bess Marvin as they travel to the historical city of New Orleans in the mysterious adventure of the Legend of the Crystal Skull. This foreboding artifact recently vanished following the death of its owner, Bruno Bolet. Now it's up to Nancy and Bess to clear up the confusion surrounding the relic's disappearance. As for the girls' vacation, there's always next year!Feel yourself being pulled into this tale of intrigue when Nancy and Bess infiltrate a secret society and dig for clues. Keep your cool as you creep through a dark, spooky mansion by candlelight. Along the way, you'll have to rely on your wits to outsmart a ferocious alligator, a menacing spider and a gruesome iguana. Take a break from the story by playing fun arcade games where you'll bowl, shoot down ill-tempered wasps and elude the chomps of dangerous teeth. Play at the Junior or Senior Detective level, and don't worry if you can't crack the case the first time around Nancy gets a second chance without having to start all over again.