Hey You, Pikachu!
Release Date: November 6, 2000
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Platform: N64 
Visitor Score
Story: 7.6
Graphics: 7.2
Sound: 7.4
GamePlay: 7.7
Game Box
Game Cheats Cheat/Hint Count: 2
Visitor Game Reviews Visitor Reviews: 0
Press Releases Press Releases: 0
Game Main Game Cheats
Go to The Orchre Picnic game and go to the section on the very right. You will find a cave. Say "cave" to Pikachu and he will come out with a Togepi Egg. Abra will fall out of the sky.He will take the egg. Visit the shop often enough to hatch the egg. If Pikachu had bought a balloon the time Togepi hatches, he will give the baloon to Togepi!
Secret Camp-out:
Beat the Pinata stage with Venusaur perfectly and you shall be taken to a hidden stage. The stage is an overnight campout with Pikachu. Haunter shall sneak up on Pikachu and scare him occasionally.
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