Pokémon Ruby Version
Release Date: March 17, 2003
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Platform: GBA 
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Visitor Score
Story: 8.7
Graphics: 9.0
Sound: 8.2
GamePlay: 9.0
Game Box
Game Cheats Cheat/Hint Count: 0
Visitor Game Reviews Visitor Reviews: 2
Press Releases Press Releases: 0
Game Main Game Reviews
Visitor Game Reviews
4 Stars
By: Mia
No Title
The story is pretty basic, being "become the greatest Poke'mon Master of all time!". But to do this you need to perfect your poke'mon team, capture all teh poke'mon , and, above...
5 Stars
By: Gibli
No Title
You are a young child and you have to capture a bunch of cute little monsters, all while knowing pokemon and it's games are way out of style, kind of a diehard, ain't it? Well,...
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