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The Sims Bustin' Out Game Cheats / Hints
The Sims Bustin' Out
Release Date: December 15, 2003
Publisher: EA Games
Developer: Maxis
Genre: Strategy
ESRB: (T) Teen
Platform: XB  PS2  NG  GC  GBA 
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Visitor Score
Story: 8.5
Graphics: 8.0
Sound: 7.9
GamePlay: 8.5
The Sims Bustin' Out Screenshots
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Game Box
Game Cheats Cheat/Hint Count: 1
Visitor Game Reviews Visitor Reviews: 0
Press Releases Press Releases: 1
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Rags to Riches:
At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, continue to make purchases until you possess less than $100. Wait for about an hour of game time. The phone will ring and when you answer it you will receive $$$. Just repeat this until you have desired amount of wealth.
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