Reviewer: Kitty Demore |
May 28, 2003 |
No Title
The story, running along the lines of 'before time began', is a masterpeice to behold. Confusing at times, though it may be, the story is relitively easy to fallow. A great...
Reviewer: kfan |
March 17, 2003 |
No Title
great story! Not only a great advance into scary games for nintendo, but would rival any system out there. A must have!
Reviewer: Prince Weasel |
January 28, 2003 |
No Title
Let's start by acknowledging that this game breaks a couple of standard rules...AND IN A GREAT WAY!! Although the story focuses on the discovery of truth through Alex...
Reviewer: @L@B@M@ M@N |
December 14, 2002 |
No Title
The story is hard to understand at first....but towards the last few levels u can begin to understand it and it really grips you into making u want to find out what comes...
Reviewer: darn |
November 18, 2002 |
No Title
the story line is both gripping and obsessive!altough the chapters can pass quickly you will be held in wonder to what will happen next! how the story will end etc!
Visitor Score |
8.6 |
56 Ratings
See Full Score
Game Box |
 Cheat / Hint Count: 0
 Ratings Count: 56
 Visitor Reviews: 5
 Press Releases: 0
90 Active Users |