Cel Damage Game Cheats / Hints
Cel Damage
Release Date: January 8, 2002
Publisher: EA Games
Genre: Racing
ESRB: (T) Teen
Platform: XB  GC 
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Visitor Score
Story: 6.3
Graphics: 7.3
Sound: 7.1
GamePlay: 7.5
Game Box
Game Cheats Cheat/Hint Count: 11
Visitor Game Reviews Visitor Reviews: 1
Press Releases Press Releases: 0
Game Main Game Cheats Game Reviews
All FMV Sequences:
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter MULTIPLEX! as a name.
Big Head Mode:
Hold L + R + Up during gameplay.
Movement Power-Ups:
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter MOVEITNOW as a name.
Ranged Weapons:
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter GUNSMOKE! as a name.
Unlock Jungle World:
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter TWRECKSPAD as a name.
Unlock Space World:
Enter the character selection screen, select "Load" then enter BRAINSALAD as a name.
Brian The Brain:
Win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Space world.
Count Earl:
Win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Transylvania world.
Gate Rally Mode:
Win once in Smack Attack mode.
T. Wrecks:
Win Smack Attack, Gate Relay, and Flag Relay in all three levels of the Jungle world.
Whack Angus:
Unlock all modes (Smack Attack, Flag Rally, Gate Relay), then win all three levels in the Desert world in each one (total of nine). After completing the last level, Whack Angus will be unlocked as a playable character.
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