Complete Xbox 360 Game List

# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Game Title Release Date
Hail to the Chimp 2008
Half-Life 2: The Orange Box 10/10/2007
Halo 3 09/25/2007
Halo 3: ODST 09/22/2009
Halo Wars 03/03/2009
Halo: Reach 09/14/2010
Happy Tree Friends False Alarm 2007
Hardwood Backgammon 12/08/2005
Hardwood Hearts 12/08/2005
Hardwood Spades 12/08/2005
Harker 2008
Harley Davidson Motorcycles
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 06/25/2007
Heat 2007
Heavy Weapon: Atomic Tank 01/17/2007
Hei$t 2007
Hellboy: Science of Evil 2007
Hexic 2 08/15/2007
Hexic HD 11/22/2005
Highlander 2009
History Channel: Battle for the Pacific 11/20/2007
History Channel: Civil War 11/14/2006
Hitman: Blood Money 05/30/2006
HoopWorld 2007
Hour of Victory 06/25/2007
Hydrophobia 2008
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