What can i say its the matrix isnt it? Only kidding this game has a unique story line in so much as actions you make throughout the game determine the storyline. Whilst the game does not follow the storyline of Matrix reloaded you will recognise some of the scenery from the film in some environments.
Although not top notch they are suffice. The frame rate runs smoothly and the slow motion effect is impressive, although if you've played max paybe then its nothing you havn't seen before. Can be a bit blocky in places
Music / Sound
Excellent score. Those of you familiar with the film/s will recognise the soundtrack immediately. There are enough high energy tunes on this game to have a big rave.
The gameplay takes three different forms shooting, fighting and driving. All of them equally enjoyable. the difficulty level is managable and the game is long enough to keep you busy for a few weeks.